First thoughts when designing landscaping are usually grass, plants and trees. However, in the Coachella Valley we are somewhat accustomed to seeing natural stones and quite a bit of “desert” landscape as well. From decomposed granite to large boulders, decorative rocks add style and function to any landscape design. Whitewater Rock & Supply Co. provides the largest variety of natural building stone products and large boulders in Southern California. With their extensive experience, they offer these tips for including decorative rocks in your landscape design.

  • Consider which rocks fit your style – whether smooth or jagged, bright white or dark red, big or small, rocks will contribute to the overall feel of your area. White rocks can brighten a shady space and river rocks can seem soothing, while jagged rocks may seem more contemporary. Visit a stone yard to see all the possibilities in rock supply to ensure that you achieve the tone you want.
rock that fits your style
  • Create a focal point – position a large, unusually shaped rock or a few together to create visual interest and a contrast to low-lying plants. Whether a grey, brown or yellow hue, the color of the boulder can also create a contrast to the surrounding plants.
  • No more mulch – one of the best reasons to use rocks is that they are completely “no maintenance.” Small pebbles can last forever and are a great replacement for mulch under plants. They also can create a more “finished” appearance.
  • Create a border – borders help define an area or keep soil in a specific space. Small to mid-sized rocks are easy to place yourself to create a more polished look.
  • Create a pathway – Perfect for a shady area where plants won’t grow or just for a more simple, maintenance-free alternative, use a combination of gravel and large stepping stones to create a pathway. Contrasting colors can add interest as well.

Using building stone products throughout your landscaping is an easy way to cut down maintenance and increase the visual interest in your landscaping. Whitewater Rock & Supply can help you choose the best rock supply to fit the project. Give us a call at 760 325-2747 or plan to visit our rock yard and we’ll get you started on creating an appealing, contemporary stone landscape. We deliver to Palm Springs, the entire Coachella Valley, and more.